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Gohan is an alternative Handshake wallet node. Its goals are the following:

  1. Provide a high-performance, even on low-specced devices.
  2. Expose a unified, RESTful wallet management API.
  3. Securely custody names and funds without sacrificing user experience.
  4. Make it easy to embed Gohan into other applications.

The Gohan binary contains both the wallet server as well as a CLI client.


Follow these steps to install Gohan as a standalone wallet daemon:

  1. Download the appropriate release for your OS/architecture.
  2. Verify the download (optional, but recommended.)
  3. Move Gohan onto your $PATH.

Gohan has no external dependencies, so you can run it right away by running gohan start. By default, it will try to connect to a mainnet Handshake node running on your local machine. If this isn’t your setup, you can specify the following flags to configure how Gohan connects to the Handshake network:


To start Gohan in API key mode:

gohan --api-key your-api-key-here start

To talk to Gohan using cURL:

curl -H 'X-API-Key: your-api-key-here' http://localhost:12039

To talk to Gohan using the Gohan CLI:

gohan --wallet-api-key your-api-key-here status

Gohan has two levels of authentication: API key authentication, and wallet authentication.

To specify an API key, use the --wallet-api-key flag when running gohan start. When making requests, include the API key in a header that looks like the one below:

X-API-Key: your-api-key-here.

If you’re using the Gohan CLI to make requests, use the --wallet-api-key flag to include the API key.


Get Node Status

Via CLI:

gohan status

Via cURL:

curl http://localhost:12039/api/v1/status

Returns JSON structured like this:

"status": "OK",
"height": 71614,
"mem_usage": 8945720,
"version": ""

Returns information about the wallet node’s status.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/status


A single Gohan instance can support multiple wallets. Each wallet is identified by a name, which the user specifies during wallet creation. By default, the CLI specifies a wallet ID of primary for all CLI commands. This can be changed by using the --wallet/-w flags.

Unlike hsd, Gohan does not create a default wallet on startup.

Create Wallet

Import a mnemonic via CLI:

gohan -w your-wallet-name import

Import a mnemonic via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "your-wallet-name", "mnemonic": "your-mnemonic-here", "password": "your-password-here"}'

JSON response:

"name": "your-wallet-name",
"watch_only": false

Create a wallet via CLI:

gohan -w your-wallet-name create

Create a wallet via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "your-wallet-name", "password": "your-password-here"}'

JSON response:

"name": "your-wallet-name",
"mnemonic": "drum virus cave hurdle memory awful cable frog pulse avocado picnic rifle tourist job usage audit inject hill sport love merry mango uniform evil",
"watch_only": false

Creates a wallet. Gohan supports creating wallets in three different ways:

  1. By importing an existing BIP39 mnemonic.
  2. By importing an existing extended public key.
  3. By generating a wallet with a random seed phrase.

In all cases, the endpoint requires a password to encrypt the wallet.

The CLI commands are interactive, and will ask you to paste in your mnemonic and create a password via STDIN.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets

JSON Parameters

Parameter Default Description
name primary Sets the wallet’s name.
mnemonic none If set, imports the given BIP39 mnemonic. If neither xpub nor mnemonic is specified, a mnemonic will be generated for you and returned.
xpub none If set, imports the given extended public key. The returned wallet will be watch only.

List Wallets

Via CLI:

gohan wallets

Via cURL:

curl http://localhost:12039/api/v1/wallets

JSON response:

"wallets": [

Lists the wallets Gohan knows about.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets

List Wallet Accounts

Via CLI:

gohan accounts

Via cURL:

curl https://localhsot:12039/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts

JSON response:

"accounts": [

Lists the BIP-44 accounts this wallet knows about.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts


Via CLI:

gohan unlock

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"password": "your-password"}' https://localhost:12039/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/unlock

Response code:

204 No Content

Unlocks the wallet and all its associated accounts.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/unlock


Via CLI:

gohan lock

Via cURL:

curl -X POST https://localhost:12039/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/lock

Response code:

204 No Content

Locks the wallet and all its associated accounts.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/lock


Get Info

Via CLI:

gohan info

Via cURL:

curl http://localhost:12039/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name

JSON response:

"name": "default",
"index": 0,
"wallet_name": "primary",
"balances": {
"available": 11939946000,
"immature": 0,
"bid_locked": 0,
"reveal_locked": 0,
"name_locked": 0
"address_depth": {
"receive": 2,
"change": 4
"lookahead_depth": {
"receive": 1001,
"change": 1003
"receive_address": "rs1qztdtxtrcdvkyxsk5r8fhyymh0mw6ju338pe9wg",
"change_address": "rs1qmycfs2zf4mtsx5q5y04dpe00jyx3run76mt8nn",
"xpub": "rpubKBBUaydwRpVxLcm8YESMRikrSFRG9nsXDquhppVigpKymkS6fhoKxxJa1Ud76TgHUMMrvAvqJXyxkJKjWdmX6uSkQNYKHnuqDnDsLSVyVQnQ",
"rescan_height": 36

Returns balance, address, and rescan info about an account.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name

Balance Types

Determining a Handshake wallet’s balance is complex, since coins can be locked up for extended periods of time in name auctions. Gohan tries to make this simpler by returning four different balance types:

Balance Type Description
Available Funds available to be spent.
Immature Coinbases or airdrops that will be spendable once they mature.
Bid Locked Funds locked in bids.
Reveal Locked Funds locked in reveals.
Name Locked Funds burned after winning a name auction.

Get Transactions

Via CLI:

gohan transactions [count] [offset]

# or, alternatively:

gohan txs [count] [offset]

Via cURL:

curl http://localhost:12039/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/transactions?count=<count>&offset=<offset>

JSON response:

"transactions": [
"hash": "2840c896226bb6135a04d6b4103eb71ea443f7b1ba075090bd24dc02f243222a",
"height": 25,
"block": "55400661261f207e36b746300831aa32d8d16ea3fd969cc7f6df6fa7d8841280",
"time": 1623358754,
"index": 0,
"version": 0,
"inputs": [
"prevout": {
"hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"index": 4294967295
"witness": [
"sequence": 450522216,
"coin": null
"outputs": [
"value": 2000000000,
"address": {
"address": "rs1qedtqrtu8eavsl7sepgy3fp336966pqxmyhnquc",
"derivation": "m/0/0",
"own": true
"covenant": {
"type": 0,
"action": "NONE",
"items": []
"hex": "00000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff686cda1a0100943577000000000014cb5601af87cf590ffa190a09148631d175a080db000019000000030c6d696e65642062792068736408f0ba89cd353becd5080000000000000000",
"fee": 0
"count": 123

Lists the transactions involving this account.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/transactions

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
count 50 Number of transactions to return.
offest 0 Number of transactions to skip.

Get Names

Via CLI:

gohan names [count] [offset]

Via cURL:

curl http://localhost:12039/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/names?count=<count>&offset=<offset>

JSON response:

"names": [
"name": "superdope",
"hash": "61e4969faa9903e88ac3be9dfbd744d48864fca10eae31cefecb16bb4b24d922",
"status": "UNOWNED"
"name": "chips",
"hash": "f11bfeae0c2007312ec8071fc66500cded6faeefeb1378237e23211d90049643",
"status": "TRANSFERRED"
"name": "shakedex",
"hash": "e1dfddd001a6ff65e8a3aa565cc5014f6506ef60243f9155a44f0a472314bf8f",
"status": "OWNED"
"name": "silverhand",
"hash": "ea175debd94bf73540e6a17c8f398ba36076507dde79dba6cc4dad5d532680a4",
"status": "TRANSFERRED"
"count": 123

Lists names involving this account. This includes any name the account has opened, bid on, or won.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/names

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
count 50 Number of transactions to return.
offest 0 Number of transactions to skip.

Get Name History

Via CLI:

gohan name-history <name>

Via cURL:

curl http://localhost:12039/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/:name

JSON response:

"history": [
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "FINALIZE_OUT",
"out_idx": 0,
"parent_tx_hash": "05e52af86197be24b2a5d87d00209ecc18dff4af8ade10fb9cc3150bcd657730",
"parent_out_idx": 0,
"transaction": {}
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "TRANSFER",
"out_idx": 0,
"parent_tx_hash": null,
"parent_out_idx": null,
"transaction": {}
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "REGISTER",
"out_idx": 0,
"parent_tx_hash": null,
"parent_out_idx": null,
"transaction": {}
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "REDEEM",
"out_idx": 0,
"parent_tx_hash": "c83ffe91abd049a2f0852ab2f43f9b46771ca3e0efe773a74d079952cecf3ce4",
"parent_out_idx": 1,
"transaction": {}
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "REVEAL",
"out_idx": 0,
"parent_tx_hash": "17fbc4892fba7f9d15aea9089366c97e770f4b0e0b8187b881b2739007c255ee",
"parent_out_idx": 0,
"transaction": {}
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "REVEAL",
"out_idx": 1,
"parent_tx_hash": "4a4f5fdcacc50b5cfa15ecdaea7d6e67d4be8a99e16c1ddb9bd53f996f13607f",
"parent_out_idx": 0,
"transaction": {}
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "BID",
"out_idx": 0,
"bid_amount": 123,
"parent_tx_hash": null,
"parent_out_idx": null,
"transaction": {}
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "BID",
"out_idx": 0,
"bid_amount": 234,
"parent_tx_hash": null,
"parent_out_idx": null,
"transaction": {}
"name": "whncsjjgtc",
"type": "OPEN",
"out_idx": 0,
"parent_tx_hash": null,
"parent_out_idx": null,
"transaction": {}

Returns the history between this account and the provided name. The following events are tracked:

Event Description
OPEN This wallet opened the name.
BID This wallet bid on the name.
REVEAL This wallet revealed a bid on the name.
REDEEM This wallet redeemed a bid on the name.
REGISTER This wallet registered the name.
TRANSFER This wallet initiated a transfer of the name.
FINALIZE_OUT This wallet finalized the transfer of the name to someone else.
FINALIZE_IN This wallet received this name after someone else finalized a transfer.
REVOKE This wallet revoked the name.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/names/:name

Get Unspent Bids

Via CLI:

gohan unspent-bids

Via cURL:

curl http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/unspent_bids

JSON response:

"unspent_bids": [
"name": "foobar",
"block_height": 1234,
"lockup": 10000,
"bid_value": 5000,
"tx_hash": "61e4969faa9903e88ac3be9dfbd744d48864fca10eae31cefecb16bb4b24d922",
"out_idx": 1,
"revealable": true,
"revealable_block": 1230

Lists all bids that haven’t been revealed yet.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/unspent_bids

Get Unspent Reveals

Via CLI:

gohan unspent-reveals

Via cURL:

curl http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/unspent_reveals

JSON response:

"unspent_reveals": [
"name": "foobar",
"block_height": 1234,
"lockup": 10000,
"bid_value": 5000,
"tx_hash": "61e4969faa9903e88ac3be9dfbd744d48864fca10eae31cefecb16bb4b24d922",
"out_idx": 1,
"redeemable": true,
"redeemable_block": 1230

Lists all reveals that haven’t been redeemed yet.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/unspent_reveals


Via CLI:

gohan rescan <height>

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"height": 1234}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/rescan

Return code:

204 No Content

Rolls the account back to the specified block, then rescans transactions.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/rescan

JSON Parameters

Parameter Default Description
height 1 The height to roll back to.


Via CLI:

gohan zap

Via cURL:

curl -X POST http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/zap

Return code:

204 No Content

Removes pending transactions. Useful is you have a transaction that is “stuck” in the mempool.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/zap

Sign Message

Via CLI:

gohan sign-message <address> <message>

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"address": "rs1qedtqrtu8eavsl7sepgy3fp336966pqxmyhnquc", "message": "falafels"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/sign_message

JSON response:

"signature": "KJfZtbcgAKzlBKvo5rvQ0Mf9nJY1HtwVnNaGDId2BnF7SDoK7Myu/UGE859tO69hEA4NWQBeFx2ifi0oDIX5eA=="

Signs a message using the private key associated with the specified address.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/sign_message

JSON Parameters

Parameter Default Description
address none The address whose private key will be used to sign the message.
message none The message to sign.

Sign Message With Name

Via CLI:

gohan sign-message-with-name <name> <message>

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar", "message": "falafels"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/sign_message_with_name

JSON response:

"signature": "KJfZtbcgAKzlBKvo5rvQ0Mf9nJY1HtwVnNaGDId2BnF7SDoK7Myu/UGE859tO69hEA4NWQBeFx2ifi0oDIX5eA=="

Signs a message using the private key associated with the address that owns the specified name.

HTTP Request

GET /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/sign_message_with_name

JSON Parameters

Parameter Default Description
name none The name whose owner’s private key will be used to sign the message.
message none The message to sign.

Sending Transactions

The following endpoints create and send transactions. Gohan must be unlocked before these endpoints will work.

All of the below endpoints optionally accept two additional JSON request parameters:

Parameter Default Description
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

All transaction endpoints return a transaction object formatted like those returned by the get transactions endpoint.

Send Funds

Via CLI:

gohan send <recipient-address> <amount-whole-hns> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"value": 123, "address": "rs1qedtqrtu8eavsl7sepgy3fp336966pqxmyhnquc"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/sends

Sends funds to the specified address.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/sends

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
value none The amount to send.
address none The address to send funds to.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

Send Open

Via CLI:

gohan open <name> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/opens

Opens a name for bidding.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/opens

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
name none The name to open for bidding.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

Send Bid

Via CLI:

gohan bid <name> <bid-amount-whole-hns> <blind-amount-whole-hns> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar", "value": 1234, "lockup": 4321}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/bids

Places a bid on a name.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/bids

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
name none The name to bid on.
value none The real amount of the bid.
lockup none The “blinded” amount of the bid that will be broadcast on chain.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

Send Reveal

Via CLI:

gohan reveal <name> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/reveals

Reveals all bids placed on a name.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/reveals

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
name none The name to reveal bids for.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

Send Redeem

Via CLI:

gohan redeem <name> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/redeems

Redeems all losing reveals for a name. Redeeming a reveal makes its value available to be spent again.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/redeems

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
name none The name to redeem reveals for.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

Send Update

Via CLI:

gohan update <name> <resource> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar", "resource": {"records": [{"type": "TXT", "txt": ["hello"]}]}}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/updates

Updates a name’s DNS records. The format of the resource parameter is identical to the parameter in HSD.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/updates

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
name none The name to redeem reveals for.
resource none The name’s DNS records.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

Send Transfer

Via CLI:

gohan transfer <name> <recipient> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar", "address": "rs1qedtqrtu8eavsl7sepgy3fp336966pqxmyhnquc"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/transfers

Transfers a name to a different address.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/transfers

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
name none The name to transfer.
address none The address of the recipient.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

Send Finalize

Via CLI:

gohan finalize <name> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/finalizes

Finalizes a name transfer.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/finalizes

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
name none The name to finalize.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.

Send Revoke

Via CLI:

gohan revoke <name> [override-fee-rate-subunits]

Via cURL:

curl -X POST --data '{"name": "foobar"}' http://localhost:12037/api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/revokes

Revokes a name, releasing it back to the protocol for auction.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/wallets/:wallet_name/accounts/:account_name/revokes

JSON Parameters:

Parameter Default Description
name none The name to revoke.
fee_rate HSD smart fee Sets the fee rate for the transaction.
create_only false Create and fund the transaction, but do not send it.